• Flash Mob

Get your Flash Mob Choreographed by our team!

Wedding Dance FL is prepared to give you the opportunity to make your Wedding Proposal or Wedding Day be playful and unexpected and a surprise that people will be talking about for years to come!

Brides and Grooms — you’ve been together for a while. You know it’s the right time. Maybe there have been some hints – some subtle, some direct requests.  Want to make it a surprise? It’s better with a flash mob. Flash mobs delight everyone: They transform every day through an extraordinary and inspiring surprise that everyone can enjoy!  They do take time to prepare, so make sure you schedule and commit to this months in advance of your wedding day or wedding proposal!


Custom Flash Dance Choreography

Wedding Dance FL will set custom choreography that will combine all the elements – the music, location and your vision for your special day.  We will need to gather all the flash mobbers and connect with them to rehearse live or with training videos. We want to help you make your Wedding Proposal or Wedding Day a memorable event for you and your guests that will be different and give everyone a surprise!

Dance lessons/coaching sessions for your Wedding are available at our studios or your choice of location – we can come to you!

Dance lessons/coaching sessions for your Wedding are available at our studios or your choice of location – we can come to you!

Get your free 30-minute dance consultation!

Get your flash mob choreographed today!

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